Events in aid of GIN

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GIN celebrates 20 years as a registered charity helping greyhounds and galgos

We are very grateful to many supporters who work hard throughout the year fundraising for GIN but we are always in need of more helpers. If you feel you can organize an event, have a table at a car boot sale, organise a street / store collection, sponsored walk please contact us. We can provide literature to display and some merchandise to sell.

We can promote these events on our main charity website, Facebook and Twitter pages and do mailshots to supporters in the area to encourage support.

These events are very important for the charity as they not only raise much needed funds but they raise awareness of our work and the plight of the galgos. It is also good for the charity to have new members join us, often after they have picked up literature at an event they want to help, and some people have gone on to adopt one of our galgos.

Forthcoming Events

We would normally be writing now about the various events being organised around the country to raise funds for GIN and to raise awareness of the plight of the greyhounds and galgos.

We held a meeting earlier this year to discuss some new events we hoped to attend and started to make some enquiries. Sadly the coronavirus pandemic has meant that many events have had to be postponed or cancelled.

We cannot say if events planned for later this year will be able to go ahead. We will continue to keep our website, Facebook and Twitter pages up to date with any news of these.

One event I feel I must mention was to be held at Buscot Park, Oxford on the 6th September. Buscot Park is a National Trust property but is the home of Lord Faringdon. He had kindly asked us if we would like to hold an event there on the closed weekend. We were thrilled to be asked and had already started to make plans but at the moment I can only say that the date is “pencilled” in. We hope the situation will be better for all of us by September so please keep a lookout on our site and social media for any news on this and other events we, and those who support us, are able to organise.

We would like to thank all of our supporters who regularly hold car boot sales, run stalls at events, organise street and store collections, dog walks, talks, empty collecting boxes etc. Many of you have told us that your event has been cancelled. Hopefully once the crisis is over we will all be able to organise events again. Please let us know if/when this becomes possible for you and let us have details and we will be able to advertise these on our site.

Thank you


Sponsored events can be added to our Justgiving site making it easier for people to sponsor on-line 

Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Facebook!, Twitter and Instagram.

Our Facebook page receives many “likes” and events can be placed on there to attract more visitors/sponsors.

if you are able to help and would like one of our fundraising packs please phone us on 01784 483206 or email us at


GIN stall at Twyford Donkey Derby 2018 Englefield Green Fair 2018
Phil with Tina, Trish and Polly at Hollingworth Lake Roger, Sue, Sandra and Jenny collecting for GIN with their dogs - Katie, Stella, Foxy, Charity and Amy
Elaine’s tea party in Devon - Photo © Jenny Steer Jayne’s tea party for GIN in Devon
GIN stall at The Grange Garden Party, Wraysbury Linda Maile, Caroline and Kerry getting ready for the Whippet Walk on West Witterington beach
Carol (left) and David with their dogs, Liz and Clint with their motor home and volunteers - Carol and Steve on the right, Tatton Show  Phil with greyhound Polly
Carol (left), David and Mireille with their dogs at the GIN stand, Tatton Show Ellie, Derrick and Jen
l-r Tracey, Christine, Heather with Sophie and Sue with Flossie at the Englefield Green Show Stuart and Valerie at the Bodenham Open Village Event - July 2017

Afternoon Tea
We would like to say a very  big thank you to the ladies of Five Pennies in Egham for organising a Vintage Afternoon Tea in Thorpe to raise funds for our charity. Our Patron, Peter Egan, officially opened the event at 3.30pm. The food was wonderful, the singer was very good and there were lovely prizes in the tombola and raffle and £1,110 was raised ! 

GIN's Egham Office  - Official opening - October 2016.

The Grange Garden Party, Wraysbury
Christine busy fundraising for GIN at the Dogs Trust Fun Day in Harefield Harvey, Paul Crone (from Granada TV), Chick and Sally at the Saddleworth Show

GIN Stall at the West Houghton Dog Show in Bolton The son of one of GIN's North West supporters won Best Child Handler at the West Houghton Dog Show, with his greyhound Dennis. From left to right ; Phil, Steve, David, Anna (landlady) and Carol at the Social lunch at the Carters Arms in Wilmslow, Cheshire. Another event is being planned for a pre-Christmas Doggy Fancy Dress and Anna has invited us back so keep an eye on this page for more details.
GIN Stall at Appleton Thorn Show, Cheshire Winners at the Appleton Thorn Dog Show Wraysbury Fair 2016

Wraysbury Fair 2016 Film night in Devon, thanks to Elaine and Ed Sue and Tracey getting DISCO fever at the Wraysbury Fair
Mike Trim and volunteers at the Bexhill Greyhound Walk Sue and Phil at the Tatton Park Dog Show, Cheshire Xmas fund raiser held at Hanley Swan Post Office near Worcester

David, Clint and their dogs at the Marbury Park Dog Show, Cheshire
Sue and Linda at the Hurst Show, Berkshire Mary-Anne, Berby and Sam at the GIN charity office in the UK GIN stall at the Windsor and Eton Rotary Summer Fayre
Carol, Sue, Phil, David and supporters at the Marbury Dog Walk, Cheshire   Carol, Sue, Phil, David and supporters at the Marbury Dog Walk, Cheshire  
Black Beauties Class at the Fun Dog Show, Marbury Park GIN supports Wet Nose Day 26.9.14 Ricky Gervais and Percy celebrating Wet Nose Day
Liz, Sue, Carol and Clint with greyhounds Sprocket, Polly and Poppy fundraising in Cheshire
GIN supporter Jo took these photos at the Poole Carnival on 26th May. The GIN helpers in the photos are (left to right) Chris, Amanda, Sue and Carol (who organised the day) and Jo’s dogs Paddy and Tracey were there to help
Meet and Greet and Social Dog Walk at Marbury Country Park, Cheshire. Phil, Carol and Sue at the Dickensian Day, Lymm Village, Lymm, Cheshire. Greyhounds and Galgos at the Tatton Show, Cheshire
Brighton Shop opening, L-R, Marc Abrahams, Geraldine, Martin, Peter Egan, Anne, Tracey and Christine with galgos Mary-Anne and Sam L-R, Geraldine, Sam, Hada, Marcia, Mary-Anne and Tom at the collection at Longacres Nursery, Surrey Leigh (our Webmaster) and galgo Percy at the Annual GIN Picnic
Sue, Phil, Carol, David and supporters at the Tatton Show, Cheshire Carol, Phil, Dave and volunteers at the Marbury walk Sue, Coronation Street’s Jim McDonald, greyhound “Snoggy” (who is looking for a home) and Carol at the Prestbury Village Club Centenary Fun Day at Prestbury, nr. Macclesfield in Cheshire.
Sue Sarney manning the GIN stall at the 1st Twyford Scouts Donkey Derby and Summer Fair in Twyford. The GIN Dog House! Audrey, Tracey and Geoffrey manning the GIN stall at the Datchet Village Fete
GIN Sponsored Walk at Hengistbury Head A greyhound gathering at the Tatton Show John looking after the GIN stall at the Winton Carnival, Dorset