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Autumn/Winter 2020 Newsletter

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Autumn/Winter 2020 Merchandise

If you are stuck for gift ideas this Christmas please take a look at our Autumn /Winter catalogue and on-line shop which can be found at where there are lots of gifts for you and your galgo or greyhound.

New items just added – Christmas cards, calendars, diaries, clothing, collars, leads, mugs etc.

Our calendar features our rescue dogs now in their forever homes and of course our Christmas cards published exclusively for us and guaranteed to give all your family and friends a giggle!!!

Please take a look - there are lots more “greyt” gift ideas to choose from and remember every merchandise purchase generates additional funds for our work in rescuing greyhounds and galgos. Thank you for your continued support.

Happy shopping!!!!


Christmas Cards

Christmas Treats




Vet’s Corner — Getting through Firework Season

While many of us look forward to bonfire night and fireworks season, this can be a very stressful time for our pets. Around 80% of pet owners have had a pet that is afraid of fireworks. This fact sheet is designed to help you make this time a little easier for your pet to cope with.

Signs of fear in dogs during firework season:

• Trembling and shaking.
• Clinging to owners.
• Excessive vocalisation (bark, whine, howl).
• Cowering and hiding behind furniture.
• Trying to run away.
• Soiling the house.
• Pacing and panting.
• Refusing to eat.
• Dribbling.
• Self trauma.
• Destructiveness.

How to help your dog:

• Walk your dog before dusk to avoid fireworks.

• Close any doors, windows and cat flaps to prevent escape.

• Many dogs and cats will try to hide when they hear fireworks. This helps them to cope with their fear. You can help your pet by making sure they have a hiding place where they feel safe. Create a comforting ‘den’. This could be inside a wardrobe or cupboard, or behind a sofa. Pad it with old pillows and blankets to help soundproof it. Your pet may already have a preferred hiding place. That is fine; they should not be forced out if this is already the place where they feel most relaxed. In the weeks leading up to firework season, let your pet have access to this den at all times and, for dogs in particular, offer healthy treats and praise when your dog uses it, this will build a positive association with this space.

• Ignore fearful behaviour, such as panting, shaking and whining. Dogs may pick up on their owner’s anxiety which could make the problem worse. Do not fuss your dog or try to reassure when he appears scared since this can signal that the response is appropriate. It is best to either ignore any fearful behaviour that occurs or better still be positively jolly at these times, to signal that there is nothing to be worried about.

• Provide your dog with distractions such as new toys and chews.

• Close the curtains and switch on the TV or radio to mask the noise.

• Do not leave your dog alone while fireworks are going off, they will be calmer with a familiar person at home.

• Do not punish your dog as this will only make them more distressed.


Greyhounds in Need Summer Raffle 2020 - Draw

We would like to thank all involved for once again supporting our summer raffle which, with tickets and linked donations, brought in around £9,400

Due to the current situation our Trustee, Geraldine Jones, kindly drew the winning tickets for us -

  • 1st Prize - £1,000 – Mrs Swann, Worcestershire
  • 2nd Prize – £500 - Mrs Barford , Worcestershire
  • 3rd Prize - £100 - Mrs Fenwick, Co.Durham

There were also runner up prizes to entries from Isle of Man, Surrey and Sussex

A big THANK YOU from all of us at GIN to all of you who responded so generously to our raffle during these difficult times, making it a great success.

Galgos for France

We were pleased to hear from Sole, Arca de Noe in Albacete, that 52 galgos have travelled to France to new homes. Le clan des levriers found great homes for 4 galgos and Levriers 74 found 48 very good families. We have been able to fund the veterinary costs for these galgos and are grateful to everyone involved for helping these dogs. You can see some photos of some of the dogs below now settling in their new homes.


Galgos to Slovenia

We were pleased to hear from Nina of SASIN in Slovenia that she and her team had been able to go to Arca de Noe in Albacete to collect more galgos for homing. Many transports had to be postponed earlier this year due to the coronavirus situation so it was good that dogs who had been waiting much longer than normal could finally leave for their new homes. We have been able to fund their initial veterinary costs at the shelter and their transport costs.

Here are some photos Nina sent us of her visit to the shelter and some of the dogs she was able to take already settled in their new homes.


Greyhounds in Need Summer Raffle 2020 - Reminder

PLEASE DON’T FORGET to send back your raffle stubs before the draw on the 28th August, 2020.

These should be sent to us at Greyhounds in Need, 5A, 80 High Street, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9HE.
Thank you.

As a reminder...

  • 1st Prize - £1,000
  • 2nd Prize - £500
  • 3rd Prize - £100




15 More Galgos for Adoption Arrived Safely

Usain - he’s approx. 4yrs old and arrived at Galgos del Sol very scared. He had been living on the streets. His fear aggression has now disappeared and he walks nicely on a lead. He's now a happy boy that loves people and gets on well with other dogs. He would benefit from a home with confident dogs.
Tyko— approx.6 years old. He is very bonded with Mike but they can be separated. They were rescued from the streets together. He is a happy friendly dog who loves people, walking on a lead and treats. He also loves to play.
Mike—approx. 6 years old. He arrived at Galgos del Sol very scared and fear aggressive but is now a cuddle bug. He bonded with Tyco but they can be separated.
Sidney is approx. 2 years old. He was caught on the streets with another galgo during the shut down due to the coronavirus situation. He is a lovely dog with a wonderful personality — sweet and confident.



Many dogs have stayed longer at the shelters in Spain due to the Coronavirus situation as countries went into lockdown. The situation in some countries has become a bit easier and last month transports of dogs has been allowed again.

We were pleased that Arca de Noe in Albacete were able to move some galgos to France, Italy and Slovenia last month. You can see the video of their arrival in Modena here –

